I decided to set up this page to honour and thank the new owners of Adoring Ragdoll kittens, particularly the owners who have made this page possible by taking the time to update me on thier beloved pets progress. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the new owners of my babies for taking such good care Of them and trust your love is being returned 10 fold:
Some 2019 feedback 1/1/20 Ziggy .....even at Ziggys age (12) she is still happy and content and so you know she is loved more than ever! She has been my companion and has given us so much love that we can’t remember a time without her. You are blessed to breed these amazing cats and I thank you so much for letting us have her. Take care of you and your amazing breeds as the New Year comes and know that your cat has made such a difference in our lives xx Nikki Dolly Just got home 28.12.19 All good she ate, explored, played and settled in for a cuddle within an hour, and now she's sleeping on my lap, so I think she is happy :) xx Dec "WILLOW has settled in-its like she has lived with us for years', after a few days in new home. Claire x Dec Wilbur Hi suzy just to let you know Wilburs settled right in...his colour is developing- can start to see his stripes on his face...JB TEDI "Mum absolutely adores him. He is gentle and sweet and loves his food...Him and Leila are the best of pals from racing around the house to wrestling, to on mass cleaning one another, spending a big chunk of the day together. He is a big character in the house...we love him to bits. (retired stud boy) PC NOV Daisy and Duke have settled brilliantly........ RS .......My little treasures have kept me going and I cannot imagine being without them. AM SEPT We are the proud guardians of Romeow Ragdoll. We got him from you 4 years ago and am wondering about getting him a companion and welcome your advice. He is doing well and we spoil him completely as you can imagine. S & C SEPT Poppy Andrew and I love her incredible much. We can't imagine our life without her! She is our everything. Poppy has the most calming voice, she is a quiet and loving cat, a loyal soul and delicate, a lady, a beauty. I have never seen a cat like this before. She is such a beautiful, loving, and super adorable cat, her character, the way she is! She continues to impress me on so many levels.She is our baby and I am very grateful she is with us. Thank you again for Poppy!! I love her so much !!Anya 2018 Sue they are huge! Beautiful, funny, loving, just the best...Their eyes are so very blue, "all the family are enjoying Raggy cuddles". Thankyou Babe x Ruth 2018 Hi Sue Thought I would update you on Ruby, though we call her Honey now. As you can see she is being thoroughly spoilt and loving it. She settled in nicely and rules us very well.... Kind Regards Sue B Hi Sue Arthur has settled in with us so well and is enjoying getting to know his big brother Django. They are playing together and even enjoying a cuddle! He loves his meals and has grown a lot! He is so very friendly when we have guests round and loves lots of attention. Still purring like mad too...Francesca and John Hi I thought you might llike some recent photos of Monty.He is just so lovely, he follows us everyhere, always wants to be picked up and cuddled and he is VERY playful and amazing at fetch! Our friends are very impressed by his football skills :) he loves playing ball. He is also just beautiful and his eyes are so striking, as is his blaze on his nose! Anyway thanks again we are very happy with monty, he's such a character. |

A little update on Dandelion and Burdock. Both very happy, healthy boys frequently found snuggled up together, cleaning each other, tearing around the flat chasing each other. I am not sure who is the dominanat one as they are both so laid back and placid its hard to tell. You would never believe Burdock was so small when he was a tiny, tiny kitten, he's grown into a larger than average cat......We got Burdock neutered this year and wondered if it would change his character but no changes to report, he is still a chatterbox ......He has taken to climbing along and underneath the edge of my bed frame whilst having a full blown conversation with himself.......he loves to have his belly tickled: I see why Ragdolls are called 'floppy cats' and 'puppy cats' he really is both of those. Dandelion loves his sweeties..just about the only time he lets out a meow (and its very load), is when I shake the packet of treats. Up goes the tail and he sits down and paddles in the air with his paws haha. He's still a real foodie and will try to steal Burdocks dinner too...Almost every morning I wake up with Dandelion just about letting me sleep with my head on the pillow, his paws kneading my scalp, and him purring away like a tank, and Burdock snuggled up next to me underneath the covers, It's wonderful to have then both.

Hi, Thought I'd send a couple of pictures of Casper.... he's doing very well indeed and is adorable, I am going to book him in for neutering half term......he is simply gorgeous hope you are well Kind Regards Claire

Hi Suzy Now I can send you pictures of little Liam.He weighs 2.7 kilos and loves eating, he is lovely and kind and he comes whenever we call him. He loves the children and is a full memberin my cat group. We are very happy to have him. Kind Regards Sabrina

Hi Sue Just sending you an update on Dottie and Charlie, both of our babies are growing up so fast, Charlie is a quiet, affectionate little bo. He loves to play hide n seek with Dottie, hiding behind doors and then pouncing out on her, which she loves:) Dottie is a little pickle but so loving too, she has a chereky nature and knows how to use her eyes to get her own way, They are so much a part of our little family and I can't imagine life without them. They gree us when we come in, chase out feet, join us in the bathroom and love bubbles, and are so playful I could watch them all day and night....
Kind regards Nikki and Mark from Hastings

Dear Sue I'm sending you a photo I took of her last month; Blue likes to do everything Lyra does and one thing Lyra adores is bowls. Blue has found her own now (having spent her first months with us in a breadbasket, she's now graduated to a proper one) and is very happy with her choice. In order to use the bowl though, she has to tip out the fruit, which doesn't seem to be a problem. She's a very cheeky little girl!
By the way, I haven't photoshopped her eyes - they really are that blue.
Best Regards,
By the way, I haven't photoshopped her eyes - they really are that blue.
Best Regards,

Adoring Ragdolls ia very appropriate because there are no cats more adored than ours. Since we brought them home in September Blue and Lola setled right in and made our place their own. They are constant companions and are always keen to help around the house, keeping us company whilst we work. They have grown into healthy content cats who love to play fetch and get lots of cuddles. Chrissy
Hi Suzy
I thought you would like an update on the babies. Well they are really doing well. Still can't believe their little different to other cats I've had. Like puppies really. They follow me everywhere and are so gentle and affectionate. They make me laugh the things they do like flopping all over the place. They are so friendly to everyone that comes to the house....(photos of Clarence and Cassie above) Melonie
Hi Suzy
I just wanted to drop you a line to let you know that Ziggy has settled in wonderfully (see pic above) Within an hour of being at home he was playing and wanting lots of cuddles and attention...He is the most beautiful kitten and i'm so pleased with him, he is very well socialised, you did a great job, thankyou so much he really has made a big difference to my life already. I can see why people say they are addictive. I have never known a cat to behave like this he even plays fetch. thankyou again fro raising such a lovely boy. Sophie :)

Hi Sue
Cass has settled in really well she loves to play and is full of mischief she is trying to help at the moment (see picture below) Anita

Hi Suzy
Thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that Finley has settled in beautifully...immediatly he came out of his carrier when we got home he explored every inch of the kitchen. He then ate some wet food, used the litter tray and played for ages. We were sitting on the floor with him and he climbed up on our laps purring all the time...perfectly happy and relaxed...we all love him to bits he seems like he's lived with us for ages. He's confident,chilled and very friendly and loves having his tummy tickled! Thankyou so much, Best Wishes Becky x

Hi Suzy
Just to let you know, Teddee was fine on the way home. He is such a sweety. He only meowed once in the car and that was when we were eating lol.He is loving exploring the house and already is play fighting with the children. The kids think the world of him, thank you so much we love him :)